Sunday, August 29, 2010

Exercise Accountability!

OK ladies. I'm bringing this to the blog because I need some sort of accountability in order to get myself back into working out! I used to work out so much, and I loved it... the hobby itself, and the way I felt both physically and mentally. Fitness has pretty much always been a major part of my life. But, since moving to China (4 months ago!), I've become majorly lazy on the working out front, and I have no excuse. My gym is in the next building. It's so convenient. There is no reason I shouldn't be working out 5 days a week.

But, as I am sure you all know, once you stop working out and get into the lazy routine of being a total bum, its really hard to get out of the habit! so I decided to bring this to the blog with the hope that just having other people KNOW about it will help motivate me to get into the habit of working out again.

I have decided to start working out Monday through Friday. Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays I will lift weights, and Tuesdays and Thursdays I will do cardio and pilates.

I'm thinking that I will do some sort of check-in at the end of the week so everyone will know how I did.

If anyone else wants to participate, let me know and we can hopefully serve as a source of motivation for each other! And anyone with any tips & tricks for getting motivated... please share!

....they say it takes 20-something days to form a habit, right? Let's put that theory to the test.



  1. Good luck! Unfortunately for me too I've become a bit of a lazy bummer and not going gym anymore. I used to go every morning (5 days as well). Apparently it takes 21 days to form a habit and it doesn't seem that hard! Just three weeks! I'm going to join in on this challenge, and hope to get back into shape soon!

  2. Im with ya, I just moved to S. Korea about 2 months ago. Living here has made me so lazy (apart from walking around the city). Just the big change of it all. I started going back to the gym last Friday, I just couldnt sit around being lazy for one more day. Good luck with your working out!

  3. Good luck!! I'm slowly trying to get back in the habit of hitting the road, so I know exactly what you mean :)

  4. YES!!! I am IN!!! We have to do something more than check write out exactly what we did and if we didn't do it, there needs to be't eat anything FUN over the weekend or something...that's usually how I justify a coke. Can't drink one unless I Have worked it off first. HAHAHAHAA, counterproductive, I know, but it gets me movin.

    Great idea... we should name it, put it on our blogs and start a 20 day challenge.

    awesome idea!

  5. Kel thats a fab idea!! I like the consequence idea.... thats how I do best.. lol. What should we call it? the 20 day challenge? buaha - I am really creative, you can tell :)

  6. I liked this post about forming/changing habits. It's what I'm using to change a few habits right now.

    Good luck getting back to the gym!

  7. I can't believe it's been 4 months since you moved already! wow. I feel like time's been going so fast! I've been working out at least 4 times a week for the past 3 months, it feels so great! I hate when I miss a day. It really is all about forming the new habit (except I read that it takes 11 days to form a habit? even better than 20-something! lol)

  8. I've also fallen out of the habit, and I hate it! 20 days, you say? I really need to get back on track. Hopefully your posts will help motivate me. :)

    xo Marissa
    (The Well-Appointed Catwalk)

  9. Yes..the 20 day challenge!!! :) hahaha. I can't start until Thursday of this week...because I am moving, but how should we separate the workouts. Like, stick to what you do? I think I will switch mine around to cardio M/W/F and squats/lunges T and Th. Also...lets shoot for a certain number of 500 a day or something. I have to put on a 2 piece in 19 days.....:) I NEED to strengthen my mid-section ;) HELP!!!!

  10. Yep, Kel, feel free to tailor it to your needs! My goals are to get toned and just make sure I get cardio in to keep up some sort of endurance. I'm thin but lost all my muscle when I stopped lifting weights - so I want to gain some nice, toned muscle back! My abs have never been a problem but I totally need to work on the butt HAHA!! Sitting on it like a bum can really mess it up.... lol.

    so my GOAL is to workout Monday through Friday. I can't start today though. I slept like 3 hours last night :( But here is the thing - as long as we DO it, then I don't think there should be a penalty - for example, the goal is Monday through Friday but if for some reason you can't get it in one of those days, you always have Saturday to use if you need to - you know?! And its not important what day you do which exercise - just that it gets done at some point. Anything else? My "reward" is going to be hard here since there is literally nothing here that I crave, food-wise.... lol. But.....oohh... I think I got it! A MASSAGE. My reward can be a massage, weekly is too much, but twice a month could work!

    Are you going to post something on the blog? I can make another more detailed post for the challenge, lol!

    Mamae - really cool link, thanks for sharing!!

    Thanks for all the comments everyone!!

  11. I would love to do this!

    September 1 is my start day! I am a teacher, have been off all summer and NOT in a working out routine. I am going back to my Bar Method classes, and my goal is 4 days a week of Bar Method and 5 days of exercise (one "free" day to ride my bike, walk, whatever). I'd love to check in and be accountable!

  12. I'll totally post something on my blog. I will wait until Thursday when I can actually start. I have been lifting boxes...that should count for something!! :) ok, 20 day challenge!!! Here we come!!! :)

  13. What a great idea! I usually work out 4-5 times a week but haven't had a chance to do anything this month due to travels. Let's keep each other motivated.

    Here's my blog entry on different workouts and their effectiveness:

    good luck!

  14. OK dudes, I'm going to start this new life either today or tomorrow. I know thats a little ambivalent and I should be like "YEAH I'M STARTING IT TODAY!!!" but I don't know - I'm best when I work out in the morning and this morning has already passed me by! so I'm thinking tomorrow. :)


  15. I just moved to Korea about a month ago, and I use the excuse "I walk everywhere so that's my excercise"... I think I say that to myself just to make me feel better- ha, ha! I do need to start going to the gym, though. I was thinking about starting off small.. maybe a yoga class once a week and a spin class once a week.

    I find it easier to start of small and grow from there. Also, classes help me a lot because if I just go to use the wellness center I'll get bored with it and leave right away.
